
Friday, August 21, 2020

DFI Day 4. Data and Spreadsheets. Eeek!

Today was a little hard for me if I am honest. I have a data phobia! Combined with a ton of NCEA marking I found it rather hard to engage with some of the content today.

Google forms-adding pictures and file upload.
Today I learned how to add pictures to my forms! The rest of the content I mostly knew how to do but the pictures will make my forms look pretty now.

Google maps

I'm not sure if I will use this application but it seems pretty neat. All my previous experience has been with getting google maps to navigate for me while I am driving somewhere.

Google Sheets.

Overwhelmed a little with this. I did learn some neat things like how to create graphs from sheets and it has helped me progress from avoiding spreadsheets like the plague to actually seeing how they can be applied. I like how you can collect and sort data from your forms on spreadsheets, this is something I had not done before but will do from now on.

Friday, August 14, 2020

DFI Day 3. Media

Today was the first day of 'new' content for me (having completed the last 2 sessions prior lockdown version 1) and it was a little bit of back to feeling like I am rushing to keep up. There were lots of interesting things that I am keen to explore-particularly using google slides to create a 'pick a path' story. This initially seemed quite complicated but the small group session helped to clarify how to do this. I think this will be a really good activity for my lower-level English students to create stories. Using slides to create animations is also an exciting task to explore with my students.